Behind the wheel of my grocery cart
The « Behind the Wheel of My Grocery Cart » project is a sub-project of the main initiative « I succeed in my transition to independent adulthood ».
Its purpose is to meet a fundamental basic need—eating—but it goes much further by providing young people with a complete learning experience on creating a budget related to food and learning how to cook on a budget.
The support provided by the caseworker is crucial to this project and will take place in three steps to help the young person achieve full independence in managing their diet and budget :
Step 1: The caseworker does it for them.
Step 2: The caseworker does it with them.
Step 3: The caseworker supports the young adult as they do it on their own.
We need your help

Help us feed one young adult for a year by contributing to the Behind the Wheel of My Grocery Cart project!